Chipmunk (by Josh W.)
Looking at the ground,
sniffing for the nut that
was buried in the fall.
The ground was still hard
from all of the snow that
had fallen over the weeks.
The chipmunk looked across the road,
and then stated down the road,
and then back across the road.
A car starts coming,
going faster than the limit.
Teenagers pack the car.
The chipmunk races
across the road,
hoping to succeed in the race.
The race for life,
the race for food,
and then he stopped.
He stopped for no reason,
stopped in the middle
of the road,
stopped where the car was coming,
stopped, not thinking of anything,
stopped like a frozen tree
trying to escape the snow.
The car slammed
on the brake,
skidding on the water;
trying to steer away.
Still the chipmunk just
its and waits.
The car swerves
off the road,
into the woods, never to see the teens
the same again.
But what was he thinking?
What was the
chipmunk feeling?
Sad, depressed?
Did he even know what had just happened?
What had just happened?
The chipmunk looks around
and scurries off.
He didn’t know what happened,
or did he?
Did he feel the pain;
the pain everyone else had felt?
The anger at the chipmunk.
By: Josh W.